| | | | | | | | | | | | | We would like to hear from you about any suggestions or topics you would like us to write about. If you want our newsletter to be sent to your email address please do contact us.
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February 2021 Covid-19: Talk About It newsletter_February_2021_pdf.docx
January 2021 Rewarding Your Child newsletter_Rewarding_Your_Child_Jan_2021_.pdf
November 2020 The Need to Feed newsletter_November_2020.pdf
May 2015 Impulsivity in Children newsletter_May_2015.pdf
April 2015 Mild Symptoms of Autism newsletter_April_2015.pdf
March 2015 Eggspress Yourself Helping Children to Understand Facial Expressions newsletter_march_2015.pdf
February 2015 Love Makes the Difference newsletter_february_2015.pdf
January 2015 Feeding Challenges in Children newsletter_January_2015.pdf
December 2014 The Best Toys for Tiny Tots newletter_december_2014.pdf
November 2014 The Age of Autism newsletter_November_2014.pdf
October 2014 Fighting Fears, Phobias, Frustrations, & Frights Newsletter_October_2014.pdf
September 2014 Challenging Behavior in Preschool newsletter_september_2014.pdf
August 2014 New Scholarship
for Children with Special Needs